@Dayle - Prop Ammendments

I took a spare five minutes to address the concerns that needed attention.

The Desk

I have bevelled the desk in the areas Dayle suggested in the diagram to loose the spongy look I had before.

I have made the back legs bigger to suggest that the weight would be supported, but not sure if I have gone too far here, I also need to connect the front drawers to the desk which I will also sort out at some point.

Flashlight and Light

 I have bevelled inside the flash light and the light now to finish these models.

@Dayle - is the light at the bottom the one you prefer out of the two examples I made previously?
Only I wasn't sure because you asked me to change the the curved one so assumed you wanted that but please let me know if this is not the case.

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StudioCrawler is a team of students working together on a collaborative project at the University of the Creative Arts Rochester, studying CG Arts & Animation. Stick by and watch us as we are challenged to create an animated film trailer for the festival Retro-Fest. Keep an eye on our news section and Twitter feed for latest StudioCrawler news and updates.

