Illusion in the dark reference - Leap of faith scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

This is a particular scene we discussed in the group meeting on thursday, I felt it might be useful to have visual reference of this point where he steps into the darkness and steps onto the thin rocky bridge. the audience are brought into this illusion because it was disgused inamoungst the rocky setting and darkness but feels as if it was always there. This might work with my previous post idea of the metal walkway, in the sense that there are invisble gaps that the characters could almost fall through or simply a metal bridge needs to be balanced by the character's weight. Let me know your thoughts.

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StudioCrawler is a team of students working together on a collaborative project at the University of the Creative Arts Rochester, studying CG Arts & Animation. Stick by and watch us as we are challenged to create an animated film trailer for the festival Retro-Fest. Keep an eye on our news section and Twitter feed for latest StudioCrawler news and updates.


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