Concept: Lady Presenter

Concept: Female Presenter

Dress sense:
·         The characters approach underground facility during night
o    Therefore, nameless female presenter is wearing a coat
·         Coat pockets for ‘gadgets’
·         Nice blonde hair
·         Glasses; short-sighted. She falls over during in one of the clips in the trailer.

@ Sean and Adam, we need to come up with some names for the characters. Throw me suggestions, and please let me know what you think so far.

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StudioCrawler is a team of students working together on a collaborative project at the University of the Creative Arts Rochester, studying CG Arts & Animation. Stick by and watch us as we are challenged to create an animated film trailer for the festival Retro-Fest. Keep an eye on our news section and Twitter feed for latest StudioCrawler news and updates.


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