Title Page WIP

I have also worked on a possible title page for the making of

@ Dayle and Sean - If you could also let me know your thoughts on these designs, I have experimented with one layout and text font as I wanted to see if any of these would work. I quite like the text for 'The Attack of the Robot Spiders' that I used but please feedback and let me know your thoughts also






2 comment(s) to "Title Page WIP"

  • from your designs, which are all very nice i personal like certain parts from different ones.
    - i think the colour use and scale of glow is best worked in number 3, maybe a bit more refined around the spider and not across the whole image, create a barrier with the wall, as the spider to me looks like it should be behind it so glow cant bend round corner, i'll show you tomo what i mean if you dont get this.

    - and with text i think number 5 is sweet as, for me it just works perfectly, tone, shading, all flows, and the font type is nicely effective too, good job.

  • positioning too looks spot on. it sits nicely at the bottom in that style.

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StudioCrawler is a team of students working together on a collaborative project at the University of the Creative Arts Rochester, studying CG Arts & Animation. Stick by and watch us as we are challenged to create an animated film trailer for the festival Retro-Fest. Keep an eye on our news section and Twitter feed for latest StudioCrawler news and updates.


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