Playblast and Trail Render/s 3 - Office Scene

This is part of the opening scene where the camera moves across the desk to give a subtle hint of what might be lurking in the dark. I have put planes with basic blinns as representation of the blueprints, etc that will be added later.

Trail Renders
I tried adding point lights and extra directional lights and feel this may play out rather well in this scene.

The sharp move back and camera trained on lamp will be the section where it flickers and the redness of the spider enters.

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StudioCrawler is a team of students working together on a collaborative project at the University of the Creative Arts Rochester, studying CG Arts & Animation. Stick by and watch us as we are challenged to create an animated film trailer for the festival Retro-Fest. Keep an eye on our news section and Twitter feed for latest StudioCrawler news and updates.


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